Start the Appointment Process

If you're a financial professional who would like to be appointed with New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation, please provide contact information and we'll send you enrollment instructions.

Please note: Product availability may vary, and is dependent upon selling agreements between New York Life and individual firms.

Annuities don't have to be difficult. 

By streamlining the sales process, we can help you focus on building relationships with your clients. Below are three actionable solutions to help you right now: 


App Tracker

Our new App Tracker is more than just an app tracker. We provide instant access to your new application status and offer easy online uploads in case extra documents are needed. You can even see your entire in-force client catalog and initiate new transactions right from your dashboard. 

Track your applications

Variable Annuity cost comparison tool

Our VA Cost Comparison Tool simplifies fee conversations, offering personalized, side-by-side comparisons to highlight potential savings. A quick demo with your New York Life wholesaler can help you uncover these savings and generate output to inform your clients. 

View a sample cost comparison

Interactive Variable Annuity brochures

Interactive VA Brochures provide a clear and engaging way to explain complex financial concepts. By automatically pulling in personalized client data and historical market information, these digital brochures provide compelling, real-time visualizations to help investors quickly understand the solutions you're recommending. 

Try a sample interactive brochure