The world has changed in recent years. But one thing remains certain: New York Life’s commitment to being there for generations. We invest in relationships for the long term. When you help a client purchase a New York Life annuity product, you can trust that we will be here to support the sale and stand behind our guarantees, as we always have.
Time-tested strength
Forged in a commitment to long-term results. New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation (NYLIAC) currently holds the highest financial strength ratings from all four major ratings agencies.1
Integrity is in the details
Integrity means making values-based decisions in everything we do regardless of external factors. We are guided by our purpose and vision.
Responsibility to our policyowners
We stand by our commitments. Tomorrow’s policyowners will assess us on our past track record as the greatest predictor of New York Life’s ability to deliver on its promises.
The way that we achieve outstanding business results is just as important as the outcomes themselves. How we attain our success can be explored further in our most recent corporate responsibility report.
We hold ourselves to a standard far above what is required. From our commitment to social responsibility to our ongoing investment in our people, our values guide how our organization operates and serves policyowners. Our strength will always be underpinned by our integrity.
Stewardship begins with commitment and ends with accountability. We are committed to serving tomorrow’s clients as faithfully as today’s. As a leader in the retirement income space, we can’t predict the future, but we can help prepare for it.
Stewardship begins with dedication and ends with accountability. We are dedicated to serving tomorrow’s clients as faithfully as today’s. As a leader in the retirement income space, we can’t predict the future, but we can help prepare for it.
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1. Individual independent rating agency commentary as of 11/17/23: A.M. Best (A++), Fitch (AAA), Moody’s Investors Service (Aaa), Standard & Poor’s (AA+). A.M. Best (Financial Strength): A. Best’s Financial Strength Rating is an opinion of an insurer’s ability to meet its obligations to policyholders.