A meaningful partnership is predicated upon collaboration and support. Our Wholesaling team is here for you with a breadth of value-add services beyond providing a best-in-class product suite. As a valued partner, you’ll have access to our financial professional solutions program and resources.
Discover the power of partnership today. Reach out and let us support you while you empower clients to achieve financial wellness, retirement security and peace of mind.
Phil Caminiti
Managing Director, Head of Sales and Relationship Management
Rosemary Gray
Director, Head of Retail Annuities Sales Desk
Charles T. Baker
Senior Regional Vice President, 832.722.9911
Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas (Houston Only 770-777)
Jim Hufnagel
Senior Regional Vice President, 201.388.3298
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York (Upstate, 120-123, 128-139, 144-149)
Paul (PK) Kaminski
Senior Regional Vice President, 636.357.8308
Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma
Luke Kiniry
Regional Vice President, 206.790.0178
Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming
Jim Korn
Senior Regional Vice President, 908.418.8817
Connecticut (066, 068-069), New Jersey (North: 070-079, 085-089), New York (NYC Wire firms: 100-102)
Bryan McInerney
Senior Regional Vice President, 614.404.3829
Ohio, Kentucky (410 only), PA (150-167)
John Morelli
Senior Regional Vice President, 973.592.9488
New Jersey (South: 080-084), Pennsylvania (168-196), Delaware
Frank Vilcnik, RICP®
Senior Regional Vice President, 727.480.4724
Florida (South: 329-342, 346, 349), Puerto Rico
Andrew Williams
Senior Regional Vice President, 914.772.8808
New York (NYC, Long Island, Westchester, Poughkeepsie & Rockland: 100-119, 124-127)