Helping financial professionals provide sustainable income streams for clients in retirement.
About Me
I've been working in the financial services industry for over 36 years. My experience includes retail investment sales, sales program management, and wholesale distribution of mutual fund and annuity products.
A growing part of my practice is focused on helping financial professionals build a generation-resilient business. Approximately $68 trillion is going to change hands from current wealth holders to Generations X, Y, and Z over the next 25 years.* Industry statistics show that 80% of heirs will not stay with their predecessor’s financial professional.* New York Life has developed education and prospect contact tools – indeed, a system – to help a financial professional align his or her practice with the expectations of future beneficiaries to retain and increase assets under management.
I hold a bachelor’s degree in Geography with a Concentration in International Trade and World Business from the State University of New York at Buffalo. I maintain the Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP®) certification through The American College of Financial Services.
Additional Information
My wife, Amy, and I make our home in Delray Beach, Florida. We enjoy the outdoors, epicurean delights, and travel. We have college-aged twin daughters.
*U.S. High-Net-Worth and Ultra-High-Net-Worth Markets 2018: Shifting Demographics of Private Wealth, Cerulli Associates, 10/2019
Let's Meet
I would like to learn more about your challenges, client needs, and hobbies and passions.
Build a Generation-Resilient Business
The greatest transfer of wealth in history has begun as financial advisors face the challenge of a shrinking book of business.